Good parents give their children roots and wings: roots to know where home is, and wings to fly off and practice what has been taught them ~ Jonas Salk

Our Mission
Roots & Wings Consulting was co-founded by Aisha Pope, LCSW, and Talin Yesaie, MFT. In our work with at-risk children and families in various settings throughout San Diego County, we noticed that all too often, interventions that targeted children alone failed to yield consistent or lasting results. We also noticed that the most progress was made by those children who had both:
- ROOTS: loving and supportive adults in their lives who were invested in them, provided them with a solid foundation, helped them to develop the sense that they were capable, kept them safe while they learned the skills needed to keep themselves safe, helped them to feel a sense of belonging and significance, and gave them a place (or person) that felt like home;
- WINGS: The freedom to explore their environment and their own capabilities, interests, and talents in progressively less restrictive ways; the opportunity and confidence to practice what they have learned without fear of judgment or abandonment; and the tools to do this safely and happily, and always with the knowledge that if they really needed it, someone would have their backs.
And thus Roots & Wings Consulting was born to work not only with children, but to support, empower, educate, and encourage the parents, educators, and caregivers who do the world’s most important work every day. We also recognize that a sense of belonging and significance, and roots and wings are not only beneficial to children, but to all of us, and that it’s never too late to create that in our own lives or in our families.
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It’s that time of year again!! I felt the earth shake a couple of weeks ago as millions of parents across the country simultaneously danced a happy dance when they sent their kids off to the first day of school. Gone are the long lazy warm days of summer

Welcome to October. By now, all of our kids are back in school, and our (hectic!) routines are becoming second nature again after the initial shock of the end of summer.
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